Proposal System and Fees


– Fees
– Non-Proprietary/Proprietary Use
– Beamtime Fees
– How to Calculate Beamtime Fees and UserFees (Fixed Fee).
– Billing and Payment


Research Type Application Period Type of Proposal Beamtime Fee* Users Fees*
Fixed Fee Usage-Based Fee
(liquid helium)
Proprietary** twice a year General Proposal 1,098,000 yen/2 hours,
549,000 yen/hour
2,680 yen/2 hours,
1,340 yen/hour
9,540 yen/liter***
at any time Time-Designated Proposal 1,647,000 yen/2 hours,
823,500 yen/hour.
Non-Proprietary twice a year General Proposal Users are exempt from paying the fee 16,080 yen/shift (12 hours),
1,340 yen/hour

* Consumption tax included (10%).
** Proprietary Research: The project leaders, for the time being, should be affiliated with a corporate enterprise located and registered in Japan.
*** Please understand that there is a possibility that we cannot provide stable supply of Helium due to the recent situation regarding global helium supply, and please note that the price is subject to change.

For details about the User Fees, please click here.

Non-Proprietary/Proprietary Use

There are two forms of research available at SACLA: non-proprietary and proprietary research.

Non-Proprietary Research:

Non-proprietary research refers to research where the research results are disclosed and disseminated. Users are exempt from paying the beamtime fee if their research is non-proprietary.

Uses are required to publish the research results obtained through the use of SACLA in refereed journals with proper acknowledgement and register the published works with the SACLA Publications Database within three years from the end of the research term.

Proprietary Research:

Users have no obligation to publish their results. Instead, users are required to pay the fees for the beamtime used. Submitted proposals are subject to a simplified review process conducted by a limited number of reviewers, who have accepted an obligation of confidentiality: they are under an obligation not to disclose to any third party any information acquired as reviewers. Proprietary research is recommended for users dealing with confidential information and/or experimental samples.

Also users may request to switch the research type from non-proprietary to proprietary within 60 days after the completion of the experiment or the end of the fiscal year (the end of March), whichever comes first, if their proposals have been submitted, reviewed and approved as general proposals.

Beamtime Fees

Beamtime fees are calculated on a full-cost recovery basis (utility, maintenance and staff costs). As shown in the table, “Fees for Public Beamline Use and User Fees,” the proprietary beamline fees for public beamlines are as follows:

[Non-Proprietary Research]

– All proposals: Users are exempt from paying the fee.

[Proprietary Research]

– General Proposal: 1,098,000 yen/2 hours, 549,000 yen/hour
– Time-Designated Proposal: 1,647,000 yen/2 hours, 823,500 yen/hour
Consumption tax included (10%)

Before conducting proprietary research, a “Proprietary Use Agreement” must be signed and submitted to the Users Office in advance (the agreement form is available for download). If your home institution needs an additional agreement for the payment, please consult with the Users Office.

For further details, contact the Users Office.

How to Calculate Beamtime Fees and UserFees (Fixed Fee).

The amount of beamtime actually used is determined by the Users Office based on the Notification of Completion of Beamtime (Beamtime Report) (Form 12) submitted after the experiment.

In case of reduced beamtime, the fees will be reduced if the reduction was due to beam dump or other reasons attributable to the facility and so recognized by the JASRI. In such cases, the beamtime will be calculated according to the following steps.

1. Add up the down time and the hours when beam was not available at each experimental hutch.

2. Down time etc. will be calculated/converted as follows:

[Beamtime fees (proprietary research)]

Round the number to the nearest whole number (calculated by the hour).

[User Fees (Fixed Fee)]

Round the number to the nearest whole number (calculated by the hour).

Note: The beamtime loss due to causes attributable to a user (e.g. mishandling of equipment, etc.) cannot be considered for the fee reduction.

Billing and Payment

1. Billing

The JASRI determines the settlement amount as explained above and prepares an invoice. The invoice is sent to the payer registered by the project leader.

2. Payment

The payment must be made to the designated bank account within 60 days of the invoice date. Please note that the payer is responsible for any bank charges incurred in transferring the fees; that the invoice number must be included in the payment information; and that the bank transfer receipt should be kept as proof of payment since the JASRI does not issue a receipt of payment as a general rule.

The budget support of the SACLA User Fees for non-proprietary research submitted by users from foreign organizations will be ended from 2019B.

If you have any question, please contact the Users Office (

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