After Experiment


Users shall publish their results in the form of a refereed journal article (incl. refereed proceedings and doctoral thesis), a SPring-8/SACLA Research Report refereed by JASRI, or a technical journal article approved by JASRI, register the published works with the Publications Database, and provide JASRI with one copy of any publication within three years from the end of the half-year research term. In the publications, users shall clearly state that the results were obtained through the use of the X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility (SACLA) specifying the relevant experiment title and number. As for proposals using SPring-8 synchrotron radiation through the complementary use of SACLA and SPring-8, users shall state in their publications that the results were obtained by using both the X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility, SACLA, and the Large Synchrotron Radiation Facility, SPring-8.

Publications – Refereed Journals/How to Register Published Works
– SPring-8/SACLA Research Report
– Technical Journal

Since July 2015, the JASRI changed the deadline for registration of research results. Currently, the end of September or March is the three-years deadline for research term A or B.

 [ Publication Deadline ]
Research Term Publication Deadline
2021A September 30, 2024
2021B March 31, 2025
2022A September 30, 2025
2022B March 31, 2026
2023A September 30, 2026
2023B March 31, 2027
2024A September 30, 2027
2024B March 31, 2028
2025A September 30, 2028


Failure to register published works by the deadline

After the end of experiment, we will start asking you to register the results if you haven’t. If you fail to register by the three-year deadline despite our repeated requests, (Excluding those who have applied for the extension of the deadline for the publication of research results and those who have submitted an article regarding their research results to SPring-8/SACLA Research Report) we will not accept any of your future SPring-8/SACLA research proposals. In addition, you will NOT be able to participate in any SPring-8/SACLA research proposals even as a project team member.

You may request a deadline extension if you have a valid reason (e.g. Your manuscript has been accepted, but not yet published.).

Refereed Journals/How to Register Published Works

1. Publish Your Work!
Research results obtained through the use of SACLA must be disseminated in one of the following three ways and registered with the Publications Database within three years from the end of the half-year research term. The JASRI will regularly check if the results have been disseminated for all non-proprietary proposals conducted during the past three years.

When a single experiment did not yield publishable results, you may bring together in one publication the results of subsequent relevant experiments (proposals) carried out before the three-year deadline. If this is the case, please be sure to provide all relevant proposal numbers when you register the published work with the Publications Database.

Note: Publish your research results with due acknowledgement of SACLA (even if the work is mainly based on the results obtained elsewhere). Please always make sure that you indicate the use of SACLA, the beamline used, and the proposal number in the acknowledgements section.
If you have conducted experiments on multiple proposals to obtain the final results, please provide all the proposal numbers relevant to the main proposal.

Since SACLA is subject to review by the Government and other relevant authorities, please specify in your paper that the results were obtained through the use of the SACLA beamline; otherwise the results may not be regarded as results obtained by using SACLA. (Provide the beamline number and proposal number in your paper; see the sample acknowledgement below).

The XFEL experiments were performed at the BL# of SACLA with the approval of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) (Proposal No. 2012A####, 2012B####, and 2013A####).

2. How to Register Published Works
After publishing results, please register the results online with the Publications Database (Click here for the instructions on how to register). To enter the information of publications into the database or upload PDF-file reprints, you need to have completed user registration. If you have not registered as a user, please complete user registration at the UI site first.

Registered publications will be used to disseminate and demonstrate to the public the SACLA research results. Please note that the number of refereed publications registered, linked to the beamline and the proposal number, is one of the proposal review criteria; so please remember to provide the proposal number when registering with the Database. To find out which publication is linked to which proposal, go to My Page (login required) > Proposal/Use Plan Submission > Submitted.

[Reprint Submission/Contact]
Information and Outreach Section, User Administration Division
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun
Hyogo 679-5198 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)791-58-2785
Fax: +81-(0)791-58-2786

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SPring-8/SACLA Research Report

Manuscripts for SPring-8/SACLA Research Report are required to be submitted, to be published within the three-years deadline from the end of the half-year research term.
The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the JASRI’s SPring-8/SACLAResearch Results Review Committee based on the relevant proposal applications taking into account the quantity,
quality and integrity of the information provided.
Then the reports will be rated on a three-point scale: A (Good; and accepted), B (Fair; and minor revision is required), and C (Poor; and major revision is required).
Only reports with a rating of “A” will be approved by the Committee, made available online and thus considered as published results.
Reports with a rating of “B” or “C” must be revised and resubmitted.

It is possible to submit your subscription on the following website.

SPring-8/SACLA Research Report
SPring-8/SACLA Research Report(new)
Please prepare your report for SPring-8/SACLA Research Report in accordance with the instructions below. (Although one report is required per proposal, you can also compile the results of multiple proposals into one report. In this case, all titles of the proposals should be given at the top of your manuscript.)

Reports on the results of challenging proposals that failed can also be published in SPring-8/SACLA Research Report. This increases the opportunities for providing researchers with useful findings and encourages more researchers to attempt challenging research using SPring-8 and SACLA.

Format File Format MS Word (format sample )
Language English or Japanese
Length Two or more pages incl. text, fitures, tables, and references.
Required Information 1. Proposal No., BL No.
2. Title of Experiment
3. Authors incl. Coauthors and Affiliation
4. Keywords
5. Summary of Results (background and purpose, experimental summary, results and discussion, challenges)Notes:
– If the experiment has ended in failure or the expected results have not been obtained, explain in detail about the experiment.
– The paper should be clear and comprehensible to readers who are not experts in the field; include the significance and perspectives of research in the field.
– Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined when first used. (e.g. PEEM: Photoelectron Emission Microscopy)
– Figures and tables should be in jpg (jpeg), png, gif or bmp format with a resolution of 300 dpi.
– All figures and tables should be numbered and cited consecutively in the text as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.
– All references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in the References section in the order they appear in the text.
– The submitted reports will be reviewed by the JASRI’s SPring-8/SACLA Research Results Review Committee and rated on a three-point scale: A (Good; and accepted), B (Fair; and minor changes are needed), and C (Poor; and extensive changes are needed). Only reports with a rating of “A” will be approved by the Committee, made available online and thus considered as published results. Reports with a rating of “B” or “C” must be revised and resubmitted.
Submission Deadline (Need to publish your research result wIthin three years from the end of the research term.)
Required documents – Manuscript of research report (Form F27-RR : MS word format)
– Proposal application file (PDF file downloaded from your MYPAGE) of the proposal related to your research report
Submission Method Please submit your subscription on the following website.
SPring-8/SACLA Research Report
SPring-8/SACLA Research Report(new)
Contact SPring-8/SACLA Users Office
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun
Hyogo 679-5198 JAPAN
Copyright In general, the articles submitted to the SPring-8/SACLA Research Report are recommended to be published under the Creative Commons (CC) license. In this case, the author(s) own the copyright.
If the author(s) do not select the CC license, the copyright of articles is transferred to the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI). In this case, should you wish to reproduce figures, tables, or the text (entire/parts), you must obtain prior permission from JASRI.

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Technical Journal

You may register an article of a technical journal refereed at your home institution to be considered to have published your results (Click here for the instructions on how to register).

Please note that the journal needs to have been reviewed by the JASRI’s SPring-8/SACLA Research Results Review Committee in terms of quantity, quality and integrity of the information provided and included in the Publications Database journal list. To register a technical journal that has not been reviewed by the Committee, please first submit an Application for Review of a Technical Journal” (Form 29) to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office (

Deadline Extension for Dissemination of Results

In the event that you cannot publish your research results within the three-year deadline from the end of the research term under special circumstances, you may request a deadline extension by submitting an “Extension Request Form” (Form 28). Please provide an objective reason(s) for requesting the extension between 12 months and three months prior to expiration of the deadline. An extension will be granted upon approval of the SPring-8/SACLA Research Results Review Committee.

Generally, an extension will be granted when the following circumstances are given as reasons for application:
1. Manuscript has been accepted, but not yet published.
2. Failure to obtain expected results (but extension will help produce publishable results).
3. Long-term research project (but publication is expected during the extension period).
4. Other special circumstances: serious illness/injury, pregnancy/childbirth, fire, natural disaster, etc.

Please note that your request will be subject to review when the scientific and technological significance needs to be reviewed (e.g. manuscripts before acceptance, challenging research which takes substantial time to publish, etc). Please also note that such reasons as obtaining a patent or commercialization of intellectual property are not acceptable. If an extension is not granted, you are required to submit a SPring-8/SACLA Research Report by the due date.

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