New ways to carry out experiments at SACLA

October 7, 2020

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)

Constraints associated with COVID-19 are expected in conducting users’ experiments to ensure the health and safety of visitors and SACLA staff. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection, we strongly request users to minimize the number of on-site participants by using tools described below.

1. Performing experiments with limited site access

All users who come to SACLA should follow the guideline “Prevention measures against COVID-19 at SPring-8/SACLA”. The number of on-site participants should be as small as possible. The other group members should join in the experiment remotely by using tools below, for example.

Already available for users

  • Web conference tools

    • Remote communications using Zoom, Microsoft teams, Google Meet, etc.
  • Documents and data sharing

  • Fast X server

    • Efficient remote data analysis using FastX for software on the SACLA High Performance Computing (HPC) system

To be available from FY2021 for users

  • Desktop sharing of operation consoles
  • Online storage server (Nextcloud)

2. Performing experiments completely remotely

Users will be able to perform experiments completely remotely without any on-site participants from 2021A if the experiments can be carried out under the specific conditions.

  • In addition to the tools listed above, experimental instruments can be operated off-site.
  • SACLA staff will work on-site to support remote experiments.
  • Experiments using high-power laser systems are the first candidates.

This kind of experiment cannot be conducted until the system will be ready for the remote operation.

For users visiting from abroad

As of October 7, 2020, the Japanese government restricts the entry from abroad.
The latest information of entry restrictions can be found from the links on “Prevention measures against COVID-19 at SPring-8/SACLA”.
Please note that visitors may be required a self-quarantine for a while even after the restrictions are lifted.


  • General Inquiries
    SPring-8/SACLA Users Office

    Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)

  • Consultation for Technical Issues
    XFEL Utilization Division

    Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
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