- Documents required before the visit
- Radiation Worker Application Form [All Users: on-site and using a remote-oparation system], etc.
- E-learning system for radiation safety training course
- The Text of Safety in Chemical Experiments
- Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities(Online): Form 10 [Project Leader]
- List of Samples, Reagents, etc.(Online): Form 9 [Project Leader]
- List of Carry-In Items (Online): Form 8 [Project Leader]
- Documents required before the visit
- Documents required after the experiments
- Other Procedures
- (1)High-Power Laser Use Authorization Application: Form 24-1 [Project Leader]
- (2)safety training program for the laser systems installed at SACLA [All users entering the laser controlled area]
- High-Pressure Gas Container Carrying-in Prior Application: Form 25 [Project Leader]
- Experiments Using Microorganisms, Radioactive Materials or Human Material
Documents required before the visit |
Radiation Worker Application Form [All Users: on-site and using a remote-oparation system], etc.
Deadline: 10 days before the first visit in each fiscal year
All SPring-8/SACLA users are required to be registered as radiation workers at RIKEN Harima Campus on a fiscal year basis (from April 1 to March 31 of the following year). Note that you are not permitted to carry out experiments at SPring-8/SACLA unless registered as a SPring-8/SACLA radiation worker.
Once registered, submission of this form is not required for return visits within the same fiscal year*.
*If you marked March 31 as the end of the approval period in the application form.
- [From January 2022] Procedures for registration, modification and cancellation for radiation workers, etc. at SPring-8 and SACLA has been made paperless and no longer require stamping. For details, please refer to the following page.
RIKEN Harima Safety Center
Implementation of paperless operation for registration procedures for radiation workers
Q&A - [From FY2024] A certificate is acceptable by Responsible Person of Labor Management (such as manager of labor management division) instead of Radiation Protection Supervisor. Please see the URL for details.
https://harimariken01.spring8.or.jp/procedure/info/20240122e.pdf - [From FY2025] The registration procedure for radiation worker with the certificate of the Responsible Person of Labor Management (only available for organizations in Japan) will also be possible via the web system.
https://sacla.xfel.jp/?p=19313&lang=en - [From FY2024] It is not necessary to bring your personal dosimeter. Please see the URL for details.
How to submit
You can select the submission method from “PDF file/ Paper submission” and “Web system submission”. Please apply from the webpage of RIKEN Harima Safety Center. Radiation Worker Registration
<Those who belong to overseas institutions>
You can select the submission method from “PDF file/ Paper submission” or “Web system submission”.
<Signature of Radiation Protection Supervisor>
Please obtain the name and seal (or signature)* of the person who is responsible for keeping records of the applicant’s radiation dose, radiation training and medical examination results in accordance with laws and regulations of the applicant’s country.
*Not required for paperless applications.
<Those who belong to institutions in Japan that has a radiation protection supervisor>
You can select the submission method from “PDF file/ Paper submission” or “Web system submission”
<Signature of Radiation Protection Supervisor>
Please obtain the name and seal (or signature)*1 of your radiation protection supervisor*2, who is responsible for managing and ensuring records of your radiation dose history, radiation safety training sessions and medical examinations for radiation workers.
*1 Not required for paperless applications.
*2 A radiiation protection supervisor must be suitably qualified and be assigned by your home institution.
<Those who belong to institutions in Japan that do NOT have a radiation protection supervisor>
A certificate by responsible person of labor management (such as manager of labor management division) is acceptable.
You can only select the submission method “submitting by PDF file / Paper”. In addition to the application form, attached form* must be submitted and a radiation medical examination result must be uploaded.
*Radiation medical examination date and Radiation safety training date must be written in the attachment.
<Signature of Radiation Protection Supervisor>
Please obtain the name and Seal (or Signature) of a labor management supervisor. Please see the URL given for details.
Procedure flow
FAQ on paperless operation for registration procedures for radiation worker.
Radiation Safety Training Institutions
If your home institution provides no radiation safety training, it will be necessary to undergo radiation safety training provided by an external institution.
- Japan Radioisotope Association +81-3-5395-8081
https://www.jrias.or.jp/e/index.html - Chiyoda Technol Corporation +81-3-3816-2931
https://www.c-technol.co.jp/education - Institute of Radiation Measurements +81-29-282-5546
Riken Harima Radiation Safety Training (e-learning)
After your application is accepted, you will be required to take the Riken Harima Radiation Safety Training (e-learning). Once completing the e-learning, you will be registered as a radiation worker. For more details about the e-learning system, click here.
Stop procedure for radiation worker
If your affiliation changes during the fiscal year, you are required to terminate the registration immediately by submitting a Radiation Termination Form.
To carry out experiments at SPring-8/SACLA, you need to re-register by submitting a Radiation Worker Application Form from your new home institution.
Contact: Submission & Questions (general)
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office, JASRI
Address : 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198 JAPAN
email : uoffice@spring8.or.jp
Contact: Questions (technical)
Front desk of the radiation control office at the Safety Center.
email: radiationsafety@spring8.or.jp
E-learning system for radiation safety training course (from March 2019)
(1) Registration procedure for radiation worker *1
- Please go to RIKEN Harima Safety Center Web page.
*If you apply online, you can check the progress of your application and the attendance status of e-learning system by logging in to your personal page. - The information about the user who will take the training course is registered on the SPring-8/SACLA radiation safety training management system.
(2) Invitation to radiation safety training course via the e-learning system (e-mail)
- RIKEN Harima Safety Center will send an e-mail message to the address of the registration.
- Access the URL given in the e-mail message to take the course.
- The password to access the URL is the Receipt No. of the registration.
(3) Take the radiation safety training course via the e-learning system
- Refer to *2 for computer system requirements.
- After taking the radiation safety training course, the completion of the course is registered on the SPring-8/SACLA radiation safety training management system.
(4) Visit SPring-8/SACLA to carry out experiment
- Visit the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office (or Radiation Control Office) on the first floor of North Building (visit the Guard House after 7:30pm.)
- You will receive a user card and a dosimeter at the desk.
- If you completed the radiation safety training course via the e-learning system, you will be exempt from the on-site radiation safety training course at SPring-8/SACLA.
- *(For first-time Users in each FY) If you wish to receive your usercard and dosimeter after 7:30pm, you need to complete the e-learning course by 8:00 am on that day.
*1 Notes
- If the registration procedure for radiation worker is incomplete, you will not be qualified to take the radiation safety training course via the e-learning system.
- In this case, attend the radiation safety training course on site when you visit SPring-8/SACLA.
OS | Windows 10, 11 | |
Mac OS | ||
Browser | Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari Please use the latest version of the browsers. |
Player | HTML5 Player (Flash Player Plugin is no longer needed.) |
The Text of Safety in Chemical Experiments
This text provide, in order to ensure the safety of research conducted at SPring-8/SACLA, health and safety knowledge and the rules for the facility users engaged in chemical experiments.
– Manual for handling chemicals (second edition)
Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities (Online): Form 10 [Project Leader]
Please log in to My Page and submit an “Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities” online at least 10 days prior to your arrival to make visit arrangements for the project leader and team members.
In addition to the on-site participants, please include online participants using web conference tools and using a remote-operation system in Form 10. In the Visit Kind column, please select the appropriate item.
We will contact you after submission of the form. If you do not receive our e-mail, please check your spam folder and please let us know. (SPring-8 Users Office : uoffice@spring8.or.jp)
- On this form, please provide the expected receive/return dates of user card and dosimeter and the expected Guest House check-in/check-out dates.
- When the reservation is already made for another experiment or there is no need for reservation, check the box for “NO NEED FOR GUEST HOUSE RESERVATION.”
- For team members who are not coming to SPring-8/SACLA, check the box for “Off the list.”
- When two or more experiments are scheduled during the same period, submit this form for each experiment.
- Important: The links to “List of Samples, Reagents, etc.” (Form 9) and “List of Carry-In Items” (Form 8) are not displayed until after “Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities” (Form 10) has been submitted.
- In case of any change in the online forms after submission, please notify the Users Office via email.
List of Samples, Reagents, etc. (Online): Form 9 [Project Leader]
This “List of Samples, Reagents, etc.” is used to manage experimental samples during the period of their use. Please log in to My Page, and submit this form online at least 10 days before the samples are brought into SPring-8/SACLA. Please provide the name (define abbreviations and symbols), shape, quantity (SI unit), hazards, purpose of all the samples (incl. solvents and gases used for cleansing or storage), prevention of hazards and risk level. Please see the following link for details of Risk Assessments: https://sacla.xfel.jp/?p=10317&lang=en. Please check the box for “No Accompanying Samples or Reagents” if no samples are to be brought into SPring-8/SACLA. If any question arises regarding the safety of samples listed in the form, the SPring-8/SACLA Safety Office will contact and ask the project leader to provide necessary information. Please note that users who bring hazardous materials into SPring-8/SACLA must report to the Beamline Scientist upon arrival at SPring-8/SACLA and receive safety instructions, especially on the use of the chemical cabinet.
Important: The link to this form is not displayed until after the “Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities” (Form 10) has been submitted.
Door-to-door delivery
When you send your instruments to SPring-8/SACLA via delivery service, please arrange to receive these items yourself. Alternatively, if you are unable to receive them personally, you may send them in care of the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office of JASRI. In this case, please write your name and the Proposal Number on the mailing label as follows.
Attn.: Name (of the user receiving the package), Proposal Number,
c/o SPring-8/SACLA Users Office, JASRI
To : 1-1-1 Kouto,Sayo-cho, Sayo-Gun Hyogo
679-5198 JAPAN
TEL : +81-(0)791-58-0961
For more details, please click here.
From the 2021A period, for shipping from overseas, please send a shipping notification email when shipping or sendback.
For more details, please click here.
List of Carry-In Items (Online): Form 8 [Project Leader]
When you need to bring in large experimental instruments for your experiments at SPring-8/SACLA, please log in to My Page and submit online a “List of Carry-In Items” (Form 8) at least 10 days before the items’ arrival at SPring-8/SACLA. The instruments must be tested and confirmed for safe and proper operation before being brought to the SPring-8/SACLA. Note that users are not permitted to bring in any dangerous or regulated items that may pose potential safety hazards.
Note: Before submitting the “List of Carry-In Items”, you must submit an “Application Form for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities” (Form 10). Please notify the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office of any changes via e-mail if you need to modify any details after submitting your “List of Carry-In Items”.
Door-to-door delivery
From the 2021A period, for shipping from overseas, please send a shipping notification email when shipping or sendback.
For more details, please click here.
Documents required after the experiments |
Notification of Completion of Beamtime (Beamtime Report) (Online): Form 12 [Project team member]
Before leaving SACLA, please report to JASRI the amount of beamtime actually used and the quantity of liquid He/He gas provided by JASRI for each visit with this form Based on this report, the resulting user fee is determined. Please write your requests and suggestions for improvement, and advice to other users as well. As the general rule, these requests and feedbacks will be posted on the Notification of Completion of Beamtime (Beamtime Report) Search.
Experiment Summary Report (Online): Form 26 [Project Leader]
Project leaders must prepare an experiment summary report summarizing the analytical results obtained from a series of experiments performed at SPring-8/SACLA. Please log in to My Page and submit it online within 60 days after completion of experiment. Please provide the report title, first author, co-authors, body including purpose of the experiment and summary of the results (attach images), type of publication, journal title, and expected date of publication. If it is not clear when you publish your results, check the box for “Not Planned” and provide the reason and/or the tentative plan. Otherwise, the report may not be submitted.
For step-by-step instructions on how to submit the Experiment Summary Report (online), please click here.
Please note that for your your research to be considered non-proprietary, you are required to publish your results obtained through the use of SPring-8/SACLA in refereed journals (or equivalent) with proper acknowledgement and register the published works with the SPring-8/SACLA Publications Database within three years from the end of the research term.
Two weeks after the deadline for all experiment summary report submissions (60 days after the end of each research term + two weeks), submitted experiment summary reports will be incorporated into the experiment summary report database with search capabilities and made available on the UI site.
Experiments Using High-Power Laser Systems |
If you wish to use high-power laser systems in the experiments described in your research proposal at SACLA, please follow the procedures below.
(1) For temporary use of brought-in high-power laser systems in your experiments
- The project leader is required to submit a High-Power Laser Use Authorization Application (Form 24-1) to the JASRI Safety Office* (safety@spring8.or.jp) at least two weeks before the laser systems are brought to the site(No original required, pdf available). *From January 2022
- All users who may enter the experimental hutch of the brought-in laser systems (the laser controlled area) must participate in the safety training program on the handling of laser systems given by the laser supervisor (the project leader).
- The project leader is required to submit a High-Power Laser Use Authorization Application (Form 24-1) for each experiment, even within the same fiscal year.
[Required Safety Measures]
The Laser Supervisor shall make sure that the following safety measures are in place when submitting a Form 24-1.
(Class 3R)
1. A laser controlled area must be established and a warning sign must be posted
around the area.
2. The performance of the Laser to be used and the operating and safety instructions
must be posted at the entrance of where the Laser is installed.
3. Laser protective eyewear must be worn.
4. Locate the laser beam path well above or below the eye level of any sitting or
standing observers. A solid stray beam shield must be securely mounted to prevent
accidental exposure to the laser beam.
5. There must be a master key-switch on the laser control panel.
6. There must be a warning light to indicate that the laser is in operation or ready
for operation.
(Class 3B, Class 4)
In addition to the safety measures for Class 3R lasers,
1. There must be a “Panic Button” (switch or equivalent device) to quickly deactivate
the laser.
2. Lasers must be equipped with a beam shutter that covers the aperture.
3. Doors to the laser controlled area must be provided with safety interlocks.
4. Beam path must be terminated with a non-reflecting, fire-resistant backstop.
5. Please contact the Safety Office after the installation for the test of the interlock.
(2) To use the laser systems installed at SACLA
- All users who may enter the laser controlled area must participate in the online safety training program for the laser systems installed at SACLA (only for the first use in each fiscal year: possible after April 1 for each fiscal year).
- Users can participate in the online safety training program for the installed laser systems by clicking “Laser Safety Training” of the side menu on the SACLA My Page*. After watching the safety training video, please click the “Training Completed” button.
My Page > Application/Reporting > Before Arrival > Laser Safety Training
*The training for SACLA is on the SACLA My Page (not the SPring-8 My Page). - The project leader must confirm, on the website Application for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities, that the coresearchers who may enter the laser controlled area to carry out experiments of his/her research proposal have participated in the safety training program before the experiments.
My Page > Application/Reporting > Before Arrival > Application for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities - If the status of the participation of the coresearchers in the safety training program is not shown on the website Application for SPring-8/SACLA Facilities, the research proposal will not be registered as a proposal that requires the use of the installed laser systems. The project leader should notify the JASRI Safety Office (safety@spring8.or.jp) of the request to use the installed laser systems together with the proposal number.
High Pressure Gas |
High-Pressure Gas Container Carrying-in Prior Application: Form 25 [Project Leader]
If you wish to bring in high-pressure gas containers into the SACLA experimental facilities, please fill out and submit a “High-Pressure Gas Container Carrying-in Prior Application” 【Form 25】 to the JASRI Safety Office (safety@spring8.or.jp) by email at least 40 days before the containers are brought into the site.
Under the relevant regulations, the total amount of high-pressure gas stored in the SACLA experimental facilities must be less than 300m³. To help us comply with the regulations and manage the amount of high-pressure gas brought on-site, please keep the amount you bring to a bare minimum in small containers and for the minimum period possible.
For experiments spanning two or more beamtime runs, please make sure to submit an application for each run.
Procedure for Biological Experiments |
The Text of Safety in Biological Experiments.
This text provide, in order to ensure the safety of research conducted at SPring-8/SACLA, health and safety knowledge and the rules for the facility users engaged in biological experiments.
– Manual for biological experiments (second edition)
Experiments Using Microorganisms |
Biological Experiment Plan: Form 19-1 [Project Leader]
Prior approval is required for experiments using microorganisms: namely, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, infectious nucleic acid, plasmids, etc., or materials that are contaminated with such microorganisms. If you wish to use microorganisms for your experiment, please send a “Biological Experiment Plan” to the Users Office within 2 weeks after the proposal is approved. For more details about experiments using microorganisms, click here.
Genetic Modification Experiment |
The following procedures are necessary before conducting genetic modification experiments that are stipulated in the Law Concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms (Act 97, 2003). The delivery of genetically modified organisms is also included.
Experiments that can be conducted at Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as “JASRI”)
Type 1 Use etc. | ||||||
Type 2 Use etc. | Genetic modification experiment | Experiment using microorganisms | P1 | P2 | P3 | |
Large-scale culture experiment | LSC | LS1 | LS2 | |||
Animal experiment | P1A | P2A | P3A | Special breeding section | ||
Plant experiment | P1P | P2P | P3P | Specially screened greenhouse | ||
Cell fusion experiment |
Application for the Approval of a Genetic Modification Experiment
Procedure Required from Before the Start of the Experiment to the Completion of
the Experiment
Registration of a Genetic Modification Experiment Worker
1. Application for the Approval of a Genetic Modification Experiment (For the Person in Charge of the Experiment)
It is necessary to get approval before conducting a genetic modification experiment at JASRI. The following procedures should be followed by the person in charge of the experiment 1)
1) The person in charge of the experiment must be a person who has at least one year experience of conducting genetic modification experiments, who will come to JASRI and actually participate in the experiment. As a general rule, students are not acceptable.
Procedure flow
〈 Documents to be submitted 〉
Submit Application for Approval of Genetic Recombination Experiment【Form 20-1】 .* If the document arrives after the deadline, you might not carry out your experiment.
* When planning an experiment, make sure that the experiment complies with the Law Concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms (Act 97, 2003) as well as the applicable laws and regulations.
〈 Review of safety 〉
Safety will be reviewed by the safety committee based on the submitted documents, taking the methods of handling as well as the aspect of the facility into account. The person in charge of the experiment (a representative is acceptable) may be asked to attend the committee meeting to be interviewed regarding the content of the experiment.
〈 Notification of approval 〉
The decision of approval or non-approval will usually be sent in writing within 1 month of review by the genetic modification experiment safety committee. Approved proposal is valid for 3 years.
2. Registration of a Genetic Modification Experiment Worker (For the Person in Charge of the Experiment)
Those who will participate in a genetic modification experiment must be registered as genetic modification experiment workers. Register as soon as possible, since registration requires many items such as training, a health check, and confirmation of documents.
◆ Procedures for registration
Users (Radiation Workers) must submit Application for Genetic Recombination Experiment Worker and Letter of Pledge【Form 20-5-3】 to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office.
*Since the applicant will be registered as a genetic modification experiment worker only after the completion of the training and confirmation of the submission of required documents, it is recommended to commence the process of registration early.
◆ Renewal procedure
Since the registration of a genetic modification experiment worker for a user expires at the end of the fiscal year, renew the registration at the end of the fiscal year if the genetic modification experiment will continue into the following year. The renewal procedure is the same as the procedure for the initial registration.
◆ Procedure for experiment worker termination
If someone wants to cancel the genetic modification experiment worker registration in the middle of the fiscal year, submit Notification of Genetically Modified Experiment Worker Termination【Form 20-6-3】 to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office.
◆ Changes in the content of registration
When the organization (department etc.) of the experiment worker changes, terminate the registration and start a new registration process.
3. Procedures Required from Before the Start of the Experiment to the Completion of the Experiment (For the Person in Charge of the Experiment)
Before the start of the experiment
《Notification of the experiment worker and training for each experiment》
The person in charge of the experiment must appoint experiment workers* who will conduct the experiment, and have them participate in training before starting the experiment. When the training is completed, submit Form for notification/notification of change and report of training of a genetic modification experiment worker【Form 20-7】 to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office at least 10 days before the start of the experiment.
* The person must have been registered as a genetic modification experiment worker.
《Carrying in and out of genetically modified organisms》
Carrying in
It is necessary to submit Genetically Modified Organisms Carry In/Out Notification Form【Form 20-2-2】 and receive confirmation from the Safety Office before delivering genetically modified organisms to JASRI.
Attach the “Information based on the Law Concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms*”【Form 20-2-1】 .
Submit the document at least 10 days before transfer to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office. If the document was not submitted 10 days before the delivery, it may not be possible to carry such samples as genetically modified organisms into JASRI.
Carrying out
It is necessary to submit Genetically Modified Organisms Carry In/Out Notification Form【Form 20-2-2】 and receive confirmation from the Safety Office before carrying out genetically modified organisms from JASRI.
Attach the “Information based on the Law Concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms*”【Form 20-2-1】 . Submit the document to Spring-8/SACLA Users Office at least 10 days before carry in/out.
* Make sure to obtain information from the organization from which the genetically modified organisms are delivered. Although the format is not specified, a document without adequate information will not be accepted. Refer to the “Information based on the Law Concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms” for details.
While approving of the proposal
《Progress report》
Annual submission of Genetic Modification Experiment (Progress / Completion) Report【Form 20-3】 is required during the course of the experiment. Confirm the timing of the submission with SPring-8/SACLA Users Office.
At the completion of the experiment
《Notification of completion》
When completing the experiment, submit Genetic Modification Experiment (Progress / Completion) Report【Form 20-3】 to the SPring-8/SACLA Users Office. If there is another plan for a new experiment and the storage of genetically modified organisms is necessary for future use, submit Notification of Storage of Genetically Modified Organisms【Form 20-4】
as well. When using the stored genetically modified organisms, a new application for the experiment is required.
Other procedures
《Addition of experimental materials (donor nucleic acid, vector, host, etc.)》
When adding experimental material concerning the experiment requiring containment measures, submit Application for Approval of Genetic Recombination Experiment【Form 20-1】 at the time of semiannual application for a user proposal.
《Changes in the place where the experiment will be conducted and genetically modified organisms will be stored》
Regarding the changes in the experiment requiring containment measures, submit Application for Approval of Genetic Recombination Experiment【Form 20-1】 at the time of semiannual application for user proposals.
《Addition, elimination, and changes of experiment workers*》
Submit Form for notification/notification of change and report of training of a genetic modification experiment worker【Form 20-7】 as soon as the change is confirmed.
* The person must have been registered as a genetic modification experiment worker
《Changing the person in charge of the experiment》
When changing the person in charge of the experiment, the experiment must be temporarily terminated. Submission of a new application as a new experiment is required.
(This rule is not applicable in case the person in charge of experiment is not able to perform the duty due to unavoidable circumstances such as travel, disease, or accident, and a previously appointed substitute will perform the duty.)
《Sign for the experiment》
The signs that are stipulated in the laws must be placed at the laboratory, near the entrance of the laboratory, and the storage space of genetically modified organisms. Contact the Safety Office if the signs are needed.
Experiments Using Radioactive Materials |
If you wish to bring into SPring-8/SACLA sealed radioactive materials with an activity not exceeding the maximum allowed by law, prior approval by the Safety Office Manager is required. Please submit all the necessary documents to the Users Office by the designated date.
Application and Approval Slip for Bring in Sealed Radioactive Materials: Form 21 [Project Leader]
If you wish to bring radioactive materials into SPring-8/SACLA, please send an “Application and Approval Slip for Bring In Sealed Radioactive Materials” to the Users Office by post at least two weeks before they are brought into SPring-8/SACLA. Please contact and consult with the Safety Office in advance seeking the approval of the Safety Office.
Experiments Using Human Material |
Human materials refer to tissues, organs, cells, blood (whole blood and blood component) and other body fluids from living and dead bodies (excl. specimens and research materials that are commercially available).
To use such human materials at SPring-8/SACLA, prior approval is required. Please send the following forms to the Users Office by the designated date. If you think your samples may be infectious, please also send a “Biological Experiment Plan” (Form 19-1). For details about experiments using human materials, click here.
Agreement Concerning Research Using Human Materials: Form 23-1 [Project Leader]
Please certify that the project leader’s organization has approved the use of human materials for research at SPring-8/SACLA with an “Agreement Concerning Research Using Human Materials.”[Form 23-1]
Application Form for the Handling of Human Materials: Form 23-2 [Project Leader]
Please certify that the human materials have been obtained from the organization in charge of the management of human materials through appropriate procedures and the research use of the human materials has been approved by the organization by submitting an “Application Form for the Handling of Human Materials.”[Form 23-2] Please also appoint the manager responsible for handling human materials at SPring-8/SACLA. Please note that the submission of this form is required of each organization in charge of the management of human materials.