- SACLA User Information - http://sacla.xfel.jp -

On-Site Facilities

Sample Preparation Room and Experiment Preparation Room

Sample preparation rooms and experiment preparation rooms are located in SACLA experimental  building. The sample preparation rooms are on 2nd floor, experiment preparation rooms are on 1st floor and can be accessed from the experimental hall.

User Lounge

User lounge is located in SACLA experimental building (2nd floor). And other user lounges are located at five points: A3-a共7, B3-b共7, C1-c共3, D1-d共3, and D3-d共9 along the corridor of the Storage Ring building. Each user lounge has a sofa, meeting table, white board, electric kettle, microwave, coffee maker, and refrigerator. Please note that unnecessary personal items are disposed of after each cycle. Please also note that the sinks in the user lounges are intended for domestic wastewater; do not pour experimental wastewater down the sink.

Directions for Use of Refrigerator

If you have any questions regarding the use of the refrigerator, please contact the SPring-8 Users Office (Ext. 2225).

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Biological Sample Preparation Room

The Biological Sample Preparation Room is located at D24 (right between the D2 and D3 doors) in the Storage Ring building and available around the clock (no need to sign up). Please read the instructions on the Biology Preparation Room website before using the room. For items requiring users to keep a log of equipment use, please provide the required information. Please also follow the rules regarding the disposal of effluent and the separation of experimental wastes. Please note that users are not allowed to check out the equipment in the room. If you wish to conduct experiments using organic solvents, use the preparation room in the Laboratory Building (Room No. 210) of the Biomedical Imaging Center, where the draft chamber is available. For details please visit the Biology Preparation Room website.

If you have any questions, please contact Go Matsubara (Ext. 3492 / email: go.matsubara@spring8.or.jp).

[Available Instruments] ice-maker, water purification system, centrifuge (2 types), spectroscope, ultra-deep freezer, refrigerator, incubator, stereomicroscope, ultrasonic cleaner, tube rotator, constant temperature water bath, hot plate, aspirator, homogenizer, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), electronic balance, pH meter, mixer, magnetic stirrer, lab cart, locker for users

Chemical Sample Preparation Room

The Chemical Sample Preparation Room (d共1) is located on the south side of the D1 door of the Storage Ring building. The room is available around the clock to users who have been given instructions on the usage and safety of the room (Our staff providing instructions is available only from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays). For details about the room, please refer to the Chemical Sample Preparation Room website. Please also note that since the room has card-controlled access, prior registration is required; if you wish to use the room, please fill out Chemistry Preparation Room Application Form and apply at least 10 days in advance.

If you have any questions, please contact Go Matsubara (Ext. 3492 / email: go.matsubara@spring8.or.jp).

[Available Equipment] gas supply unit (compressed air, argon, nitrogen), fume food, scrubber, laboratory benches, sink, measurement table

[Other Available Instruments] electronic scales, refrigerator, ice maker, pure water system, ultrapure water system, pH meter, ultrasonic cleaner, aspirator, digital constant temperature water bath, sealer, vacuum desiccator, auto dry desiccator, safety cabinet (please offer in the Chemistry Preparation Room Application Form)

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Stockrooms are closed from 2018B. Please bring consumables necessary for your experiment by yourself.

Machine Shop

SPring-8/SACLA has two types of machine shops: First and Second machine shops. In order to use these machine shops, users must first attend Machine Shop Safety Classes to learn how to use the machine shop instruments.

Click here for the overview of each machine shop.

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Equipment Pool

Please follow the rules below to use the equipment managed and maintained by JASRI.

[Rules Applicable to Users]

[Available Equipment]

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen can be obtained at a fill stations located at SACLA experimental hall. In order to use liquid nitrogen, users must take a safety training course class (viewing a five-minute safety video). To sign up for a training class, contact JASRI Safety Office during office hours (9:00 am – 5:30 pm on weekdays). Please make sure to keep a record of the liquid nitrogen and dewar you have used in the logbook. While filling a dewar, please keep it away from the oxygen deficiency monitor to avoid false alarms.

[JASRI Safety Office]
Location: 2nd floor in the A Central of the Storage Ring Building
Phone: +81-(0)791-58-0874
email: safety@spring8.or.jp

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Experimental Animal Facility

The Experimental Animal Facility is located to the south of the Storage Ring building, adjacent to the Medium-length Beamline Facility. The Facility includes laboratory spaces where experimental animals delivered by suppliers are temporarily kept until the end of experiments, the treatment room used for animal experiments, and the cell culture room, etc. To conduct animal experiments, you need to have your animal experiment plan approved and be registered as an animal experiment researcher in advance. Please note that if you wish to use transgenic animals, you are required to follow the specified procedures. For procedures to bring experimental animals into SPring-8/SACLA, and information on how to use the facility and how to apply for the use of cell culture room, please click here.If you need assistance or consultation regarding the use of the facility, please contact the following supervisors:

Disposal of Waste

Please take your litter home. Please consult the Beamline Scientist when it is difficult to do so.

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